About the municipality

  • Population: 1.985
  • Area: 72 km2
  • Telephone: (+34) 985 82 80 56 – 985 82 83 51
  • E-mail: alcaldia@candamo.es
  • Local Council address: Barrio de El Campu, 27, 33829 Grullos (Asturias)


Primary school (1 school)
Secondary school (Grado)
Nursery school (0 – 3 years) (1 school)
Healthcare centre / Medical practice (2 facilities)
Pharmacy (1 pharmacy)
Bank branch / ATMs (1 facility)
Supermarket (1 supermarket)
Local shops (several shops)
Petrol station
Casa de Cultura (Arts & Community Centre)
Library / Reading room (1 facility)
Sports facilities (several facilities)
Post office
(SDTL) Local technological promotion services
Car rental
Bike & Rollerblade rental
Campervan and Motorhome stopover

How to get to the municipality: by the AS-237 road

Internet connectivity
Optic fibre
5G mobile connection

Broadband fibre in most population villages, currently under expansion.

Coworking facilities
Telework facilities
Business incubators
Business centres
Rural houses
Rental housing
Public rental housing

Finding rental housing is more complicated. Buying is easier, as prices are not as high as in other places.


Hiking trails
Recreational areas La Degollada
Rivers Nalón river, Dele river
Green spaces and forests
Protected natural areas Nalón river
Lowest point of the Municipality: 40 m above sea level

Highest point of the Municipality: 613 m above sea level

Mountain biking, swimming, descent of the Nalón river, paintball, hiking…


SPORTING EVENTS. An outstanding enclave for the development of sporting events:

PIÑERA-L’ARCA ROUTE. There are currently three signposted hiking sections on this route:

Mirador del Puente de Peñaflor route

Frente del Nalón is a Historic Area made up of three signposted routes that make a total of eighteen kilometres long, where you can find fortifications from the Spanish Civil War period:

For further information: https://candamoturismo.es/deporte-y-naturaleza/

Swimming pools
Spa / Thermal Waters
Security level: Very high
Noise pollution level Extremely low
Light pollution level Extremely low
Traffic level: Low
Air quality index (AQI): Good
Local cuisine:

Excellent meats, tasty tripe and delicious charcuterie -all from local origin- can be tasted in the bars and restaurants of the municipality. Last but don least, don’t forget local fish, an important speciality of some renowned restaurants.

Candamo’s orchard, of renowned prestige, undoubtedly plays a leading role in the municipality’s culinary offer. The restaurants of the municipality feature traditional cuisine, in some cases with a touch of modernity, but always prioritising the quality of the raw materials and, above all, the local products of Candamo countryside, not only from its orchard but also from its livestock farms.
Vegetables, which are harvested earlier than in other areas of Asturias, also enjoy well-deserved prestige here. Thus, we can taste the local “pote de berces”, the most traditional stew in Asturian cuisine. a dish of great flavour that is usually prepared in a pot, hence its name, during the slaughtering season, mainly in autumn and winter. As it could not be otherwise, we can also enjoy a delicious “fabada”, whose secret lies in the quality of the “fabes” (beans), especially renowned in Candamo. The menus of the restaurants in Candamo include “pitu caleya” (free-range chicken) or “cachopo” (a fried steak-cheese-ham combo coated in bread crumbs), very popular in the last few years and cooked differently in each restaurant, as well as other specialities of Asturian cuisine such as “tortos con picadillo” (hoecakes with sliced fried “chorizo”), stuffed cabbage, goat or tripe. “Afuega’l pitu” cheese, in its white variety, and other cheeses from neighbouring municipalities, such as “La Peral”, can also be tasted and even bought to take away. As for desserts, the star is Candamo strawberry, which also has its own festival. Along with strawberry, chestnut is another fruit highly appreciated in the municipality.

Restaurants and bars:

El llar de Viri
Restaurante la Fresa
Casa Aurina
Casa Libertad
La Taberna
La Bodega de Aguirre.

Centro de Interpretación de la Caverna de Candamo (Interpretation Centre of the Candamo Cave)

Iron-Age settlement of Prahúa

Tumulus of Ventosa

Cave paintings in the Cavern of San Román de Candamo (Cueva de la Peña)

Historical re-enactment of the Spanish Civil War

Valdés-Bazán Palace

Cancel of San Tirso de Candamo (Asturian pre-Romanesque period)

In the municipality, there are all kinds of festivals throughout the year: events where music is the protagonist but also the products of the Candamo orchard, its traditions and its history, festivals that allow you to get to know our council a little better while you have fun:

Candamu al Son Folk Festival, Jornadas Gastronómicas de la Matanza (Pig-Slaughtering Culinary Festival).

Strawberry Festival on 11th June 2023, always on the second Sunday of June

Chestnut Festival in November

Exhibitions at the Valdés-Bazán Palace

Living Museum: Historical re-enactment of the Spanish Civil War

Néxodos: an annual open-air contemporary art event

There are about 22 associations: residents’ associations and cultural associations (theatre, bagpipes, senior citizens’…)


International work camp
Cave of Candamo

Trench remnants

Cancel of San Tirso (Asturian pre-Romanesque period)

Mirador de La Peña (viewpoint)

Candamo looks towards tourism that seeks different experiences from those of the most popular destinations. A stone’s throw from the sea and also from the mountains, it is an ideal place as a “base camp” to get to know the rest of Asturias, with which it is well communicated, but in itself, Candamo offers undoubted attractions. Apart from its historical legacy, represented in La Paña Cave, in the Frente del Nalón Historical Site and Candamo 36/37, the historical re-enactment of the Spanish Civil War, this municipality is also an ideal destination for those who look for sports and breathtaking specific routes for hiking, mountain biking or canoeing down the Nalón river. In addition, our local cuisine prioritises local produce and can be tasted in the municipality’s restaurants and at events and festivals such as the Strawberry Festival or the Chestnut Festival.


A green and fertile territory, Candamo is famous for its excellent market garden and its traditional and natural cuisine, very much in line with an ecological and sustainable philosophy. If any icon can universally represent Candamo, it is its strawberry, unique in the world for its flavour and morphology, and also unique for its festival which, usually held at the beginning of June, encourages commercial and tourist activity not only in Candamo but also in the surrounding area.

The river Nalón and its tributaries have marked its life and its orography, a rich and powerful orography, in which places of real privilege stand out, such as the Cueva de la Peña, which has been declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco for the value of its Cave Art. In Candamo you can breathe pure nature, a nature that comes to the table directly from the orchard…